Get Involved
After School Tutorial Committee
The Tutorial Program addresses academic needs and provides assistance in educational training to students. The program includes homework assistance, preparation for tests mandated by the State of Texas and other related areas as needed.
Benevolence Ministry
The Benevolence Ministry encourages wholeness and empowers people to care for themselves and for others. The ministry reaches out to those with financial needs within the church family with basic necessities.
Can-Cer-Vive Support Ministry
The Can-Cer-Vive Support Ministry assists cancer patients, their families, and their caregivers by providing emotional and spiritual support, assistance and information. It includes providing an encouraging package, which contains testimonials of cancer survivors, scriptures, literature and music. The ministry contacts (visits/phone calls) patients and their family members to inquire about assistance that may be needed.
C.A.R.E. Ministry (Christian Assistance Relief Endeavor)
The Christian Assistance Relief Endeavor (C.A.R.E) Ministry is a need-sensitive ministry that ministers to the physical needs of our members and non-members in our surrounding communities. This ministry is also responsible for the solicitation and distribution of items for needy families during the holiday season.
Comfort Ministry
The purpose of the Comfort Ministry is to offer consolation and assistance to members after the death of a loved one. This ministry provides recommended guidelines to the family members for the funeral program/services. The ministry also coordinates with the Tribal Leaders and Culinary Ministry to assist with the preparation and serving of dinner to the family members.
Community Liaison
The Community Liaison is responsible for keeping the church informed of various community events.
Couples In Christ Ministry
This is a Bible-based ministry promoting God’s plan for marriage through teaching biblical truths about the roles and responsibilities of married couples. The ministry is a catalyst for promoting a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, with each other and family. Marriage is an honorable institution ordained by God, therefore fostering fellowship, witnessing, obedience, as well as interpersonal sharing through meaningful communication.
Culinary Ministry
This ministry prepares meals for special events held in the Dr. Hayward Wiggins Multi-Purpose Center. They are also responsible for preparing breakfast each Sunday.
The Deaconess participate in the ordinances of the church, the Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are responsible for the preparation of candidates for Baptism. Additionally, they visit the sick and shut-in and offer support as needed.
The Deacons/Trustees assist during the devotional period, through prayer, praise, the reading of God’s Word and during the offertory period. The Deacons/Trustees support the pastor by visiting the sick and shut-in, and in all affairs of the church. They are also responsible for assisting during Baptism and the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
Educational Board
The Educational Board promotes higher education and career opportunities through conferences, workshops and mentorship. The board recognizes high school and university graduates and provides scholarships for higher educational achievement.
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee is responsible for maintaining a reverent atmosphere throughout the sanctuary and adjacent areas of the church. This committee provides assistance with annual days, weddings and contract events. It serves as the liason between the pastor and couples intending to be married; overseeing the use of the facilities for wedding ceremonies, rehearsals and receptions. They are responsible for ensuring wedding and contract events are conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the church.
Gethsemane Youth Ministry
The Gethsemane Youth Ministry is designed to involve children and youth from ages 2-17 in ministries with emphasis on youth enrichment and Christian development. This is accomplished through activities designed specifically for youth. Activities include: Children’s Church, Youth Church, Bible Lessons, Workshops, Athletics, Angels and Youth of Praise, Youth Ushers, Devotional Training, Drill Team and Anointed Praisers.
Good Samaritan Ministry
The Good Samaritan Ministry is comprised of collaborative members that were drawn together because of their interest in serving the church, community, children and Christ. The goal of this ministry is to obtain funds that will assist us in expanding our outreach and community efforts.
Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry creates an atmosphere of warmth and fellowship to all visitors and members. The committee meets and greets visitors and members, receives the pastor’s guests, and performs receptionist responsibilities each Sunday. The committee also coordinates and decorates for special events held in the Dr. Hayward Wiggins Multi-Purpose Facility.
Joshua Generation Ministry (The Next Generation)
The Joshua Generation Ministry nurtures and develops adults ages 27-45. Its purpose is to help young men and women develop a stronger personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The ministry is designed to equip young adults to be Christ-like.
Marketing Ministry
The mission of the Marketing Ministry is to enhance and strengthen the growth and outreach of Gethsemane by creatively developing ideas and strategies that promote the church, ministry activities and special events.
Martha Circle
The Martha Circle promotes unity, fellowship, prayer and compassion toward those who are sick and shut-in.
Master’s Men Ministry
The Master’s Men Ministry is a group of motivated Christian men that display distinction, discipline, dependability, dedication and discipleship. Master’s Men are devoted to improving their leadership abilities by studying God’s Word, becoming involved in service opportunities and addressing the needs of the entire congregation. Master’s Men will seek to build strong and supportive relationships with God, the Pastor, and one another, thus encouraging each other to move to higher levels of praise, worship, and stewardship.
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry is responsible for coordinating all audio and video setups for worship services, special programs and events. The Audio Visual Ministry produces all worship service CD’s and DVD’s. The Media Ministry is also responsible for all items sold in the church bookstore, The Garden.
Micah Generation
The Micah Generation Ministry develops young adults ages 18-26. Its purpose is to provide spiritual sustenance, guidance and inspiration to young adult men and women. With a focus on spiritual growth, faith and fellowship, it seeks to give young adults a positive environment to grow in their relationships with God and others.
Music and Fine Arts Ministry
The Music and Fine Arts Ministry is dedicated to providing quality Christian music during all worship services. It also enriches and enhances the worship services by edifying and honoring our God through songs and praise. The Music and Fine Arts Ministry is composed of the following:
Men of Praise
Women of Praise
Young Adults (Ages 18-45)
Voices of Glory
Sacrifice (Praise & Worship Team)
Praise Dancers
Mime, Angel Choir, Youth Choir
New Disciples Ministry
The primary responsibility of the New Disciples Ministry is to be available during the Call to Discipleship at all worship services. They gather all necessary information from those who have made the decision to join Gethsemane Baptist Church. This ministry assists the Director of Discipleship and supports the pastor during the Discipleship Class, which is held on the Saturday before the first Sunday of every month.
Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Prayer Ministry is to manifest the biblical commandments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we should always pray and not faint (Luke 18:1). We are dedicated to laying a foundation of prayer through teaching the principles of prayer; interceding on behalf of others; equipping the saints for service; and empowering the saints in their spiritual development as Disciples of Christ. We will create and cultivate an atmosphere of consistent prayer where each member is actively praying persistently, personally and corporately. In collaboration with the church ministries we seek to establish GBC as a house of prayer.
Seasoned Saints Ministry
The Seasoned Saints Ministry promotes and enhances Christian faith and fellowship through a holistic approach. The ministry serves the needs of individuals 55 years of age and over through biblical study, recreational activities and personal counseling.
S.W.A.T. Ministry (Soul Winning Action Team)
The Soul Winning Action Team is designed to fulfill the top priority of the church; the great commission given by Jesus, our Lord and Savior to go out, seek the lost and make disciples. S.W.A.T. is comprised of the five soul winning action ministries below:
Hospital and Nursing Home
Sunday School Ministry
The Sunday School Ministry is the teaching agency for all ages. It helps to prepare attendees for a higher level of biblical knowledge. This is accomplished through planning, organizing, and presenting the Word of God from Sunday School lessons designed to meet the spiritual needs of the students. The goal of the Sunday School is to equip the saints to do the work of the kingdom.
S.O.S. Ministry (Supporting Our Soldiers)
The S.O.S. Ministry comes together to share our devotion, pride and support to the men and women who are active or veterans of the military. This ministry strives to brighten a soldier’s day with a care package, card or letter of encouragement, prayer and other comforts from home. It is our goal to ensure that every man and woman serving in the military of our country is reminded that their sacrifice and work are appreciated “back home.”
Transportation Ministry
The Transportation Ministry provides transportation for all worship services and for other church related activities.
Tribal Cell Ministry
The Tribal Cell Ministry was organized to serve the body of Christ without compromise while keeping hearts and minds focused on the Lord and the building up of the Kingdom of God. This ministry will promote unity among all members and move them to action through fellowship, prayer and compassion. Each member is encouraged to actively participate in one of the three standing committees within their tribe: New Member/Contact, Hospital/Sickness and Bereavement.
Usher’s & Nurse’s Ministry
The Ushers’ and Nurses’ Ministry is designed to serve God’s people by graciously greeting, directing and assisting them in a friendly and hospitable manner. They assist during the offertory period, distribute programs and envelopes, assist when a medical need arises and maintain health kits used in the event of an emergency.
Vision Ministry
The Vision Ministry, appointed by the pastor, assists him in the general activities and special events of the church. This ministry also assists chairpersons, committee and ministry leaders with policies and procedures associated with the observance of annual days and other activities at the discretion of the pastor. The ministry members provide guidance in securing vendors while ensuring compliance with timelines that facilitate meeting the objectives of the ‘Church At Work.’
W.O.W. Ministry (Women of Work, Worship and Witness)
The Women’s Ministry reaches the entire adult female audience. The goal is to nurture, equip, enhance and provide biblical instruction and guidance to the women of this church through workshops, evangelism, Bible study and outreach ministries. This ministry will seek to provide growing opportunities to include spiritual, mental and physical needs that will appeal to women of all ages.